Dowsing/ Geomancy

The British Society of Dowsers The official website of the BSD.

British Dowsing New home of the former BSD discussion forum, the Earth Energies Group newsletter archive, and the Glossary of Dowsing Terms.

American Society of Dowsers

Canadian Society of Dowsers

Canadian Society of Questers

Irish Society of Diviners

David Cowan Scottish dowser and ley researcher.

Dowsing Mapper Very useful (and free) dowsing app for Android and IoS smartphones.

Adventures in Dowsing the original dowsing podcast by Grahame Gardner for the British Society of Dowsers.

Geomantica Alanna Moore, Aussie geomancer, now based in Ireland.

Meyn Mamvro archives – downloadable archive of Cornwall’s magazine of earth mysteries dating from 1986.

The Fountain Magazine – archived journals of Fountain International group, contains lots of great earth energy articles.

Glasgow’s Secret Geometry – the World of Harry Bell. New site curated by Grahame Gardner


The Labyrinth Society International organisation of labyrinth workers. Including the
World-Wide Labyrinth Locator.

Labyrinthos Jeff Saward is the definitive word on labyrinths.

Tony Christie Tony Christie’s site has a list of labyrinths in the Republic of Ireland, and his wonderful Labyrinth Wisdom cards.

Google Earth downloads

You will need to have Google Earth installed to view these files. Depending on your internet browser, you may be able to open or save these files directly; if that doesn’t work then right-click on the link and save the file to your computer, then open it using the ‘File/Open’ menu in Google Earth.

 The Ley-Hunters Companion All of the classic ‘Watkins’ alignments from the book plus some more recent additions, compiled by Grahame Gardner.

Labyrinths of Britain & Ireland A selection of over 180 labyrinths in the UK and Ireland, compiled by Grahame Gardner. UPDATED 2016.

  Forgotten Footsteps Central Scotland alignments based on the 1977 book ‘Forgotten Footsteps’ by Harry Bell. Compiled by Grahame Gardner. UPDATED APRIL 2022.

  Glasgow Network of Aligned Sites based on the 1992 book ‘Glasgow’s Secret Geometry’ by Harry Bell. Compiled by Grahame Gardner. UPDATED APRIL 2022.

The Megalithic Portal and The Modern Antiquarian have GE placemark files of their databases.

Becker-Hagens UVG World Grid The complete world grid in Google Earth!

The Michael Line David Furlong has produced a Google Earth placemark file of the Michael Alignment that you can download from his page.

Ancient Penwith Palden Jenkins has produced a Google Map of sacred places and aligned sites in Cornwall. See also his Glastonbury ley map.

Stellarium downloads

We have a few panoramic stone circle landscapes available for use with the free open-source astronomy program Stellarium.
Just download the .zip file and extract it to your Stellarium landscape directory. More information on how to do this, and many other landscapes, can be found on the Stellarium Landscapes page.

Grahame has written a blog post on how he creates panoramic landscapes HERE.

Beech Hill Stones
Our spiritual home in the Ashdown Forest, the circle created by Richard Crieghtmore, Julie Rocka, Ivan McBeth, and other members of The Geomancy Group in 2000. (2.2MB)

Landscape by Grahame Gardner
Sighthill Stones
Modern stone ring constructed in 1979 by astronomer and SF writer Duncan Lunan. Located next to the M8 motorway in Glasgow city centre, the circle has alignments to the solsticial solar rises and settings and the lunar standstills. Alignments to the rising of Rigel are included for 1979 AD and 1800 BC. As of 2014 the area is scheduled for redevelopment, although the stone circle will be relocated somewhere in the vicinity. It was still there at winter solstice 2015 when this NEW landscape was created.
This is a new panorama from photographs taken November 2013. (12.9MB)

Landscape by Grahame Gardner
Mitchell’s Fold
Ancient stone ring in Shropshire. (1.8MB)

Landscape by BSD member Ian Pegler.
Avebury North Circle
The North circle of the largest megalithic complex in Europe. In the background you can just make out the Red Lion pub! (1MB)

Landscape by BSD member Ian Pegler.
Glastonbury Abbey
Glastonbury abbey is located in Somerset, England and is famous throughout the world. It is generally agreed to be one of the oldest Christain sites in Britain. Many myths and legends have become attached to this place over the centuries and the town of Glastonbury has become a spiritual centre for people of many faiths. (1.8MB)

Landscape by BSD member Ian Pegler.
Valle Crucis Abbey, Llangollen, North Wales
This ruined Cistercian abbey dates to 1200 but may be the site of a much earlier Dark Age settlement with a very early Christian church. (2.5MB)

Landscape by BSD member Ian Pegler
Calanais (Callanish) Avenue, Lewis, Western Isles
The Calanais I stone circle is arguably the finest megalithic monument in the British Isles, and is just the largest site in a vast complex of interconnected monuments designed to observe the southern major standstill of the moon. This landscape is centred on the end of the Avenue, from where the standstill moon ‘re-gleams’ in the centre of the circle. (4MB)

Landscape by Grahame Gardner
Machrie Moor 5, Isle of Arran, Scotland.
This delightful little double-concentric circle is the first site you come to when visiting the Machrie Moor complex on Arran. Although not the most spectactular site in the group, it is one of the most complete and has good views. (7.3MB)

Landscape by Grahame Gardner
Glastonbury Tor
The Tor with its iconic Tower of St. Michael is one of the most recognisable landmarks in England. At the cross-quarter day nearest the Celtic festival of Samhain (early November time) the Sun sets as it passes by the doorway of the tower.

The famous St. Michael ley-line runs through here. (3.6MB)

Landscape by BSD member Ian Pegler.
Swinside stone circle
Swinside is one of the best stone circles in the Lake District, second only to Castlerigg. This circle is quite remote but the walk is well worth the effort. The entrance is aligned to the midwinter sunrise according to Alexander Thom. (12.3MB)

Landscape by Grahame Gardner

The Geomancy Group gallery on Flickr (archive – no longer updated)

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