Tea Ceremony for Ivan
Ivan loved almost nothing more than his tea. He had many cups a day (being an Englishman) It was food for his body and soul and had the power to resolve all woes and challenges. I have been making him a cup in his welsh dragon mug each morning. He was very particular about his tea and never let anyone make it for him, but I think he would now welcome tea offerings.
How to make a proper tea offering for Ivan:
First find a good sized mug (extra credit for dragons) boil water and pour in cup to pre heat for a minute or two. Pour out hot water and put in 2 tea bags; either two of PG Tips or one PG and one Tazo black chai. Add fresh boiling water, one heaping teaspoon of sugar and a large dollop of whole milk. Stir vigorously! Leave bags in but take spoon out. Invite Ivan for tea and enjoy.