Giulia has been a practising geomancer since 2000, and has been teaching geopathic stress courses since 2002, certified originally by the Kinesiology Federation.
She teaches a four day introduction to Earth Energies house and a Geopathic Stress and Subtle Energies Course; she is always willing to teach groups by invitation from Gloucestershire where she is based, or elsewhere in the UK.
Her style is practical and fun, providing plenty of dowsing practise as well as an informed approach to sacred space and considerations when working with the landscape.
She is also available one to one for health coaching (Health Kinesiology based), personal energy management and GAPS sessions (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) - she works remotely, on-site, via zoom and in person.
She can be contacted on 01453 889184 / 07872 665710
Follow her on Instagram at: giulia.holland.1

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